I would really like your opinion. I have been weight lifting for 4 plus years and have been really consistent. My splits are what I’ve been told by my general practitioner who is a sports medicine doctor as being normal and not too much to cause my symptoms. I am nasm certified and a stickler for form and creating well balanced workouts. Currently I am in a four day split (M/W-lower, T/TH-upper) with cardio one or two days. Before that I was in a 6 day split (upper push/lower/upper pull) 2x/wk. I started getting sore slowly about two years ago. I figured I had DOMS and continued to workout through it. When I’m working out I feel just fine, but sore the rest of the day really noticing it when initially when I stand or walk from sitting. It has now progressed with the same issues (fine when working out, major hard to get up and walk and bend down. Mostly in lower back and lower body). I feel like my muscles get ample rest and I sleep like a pro and eat really healthy with a bit too much candy added in. I try to keep my protein to at least 80% of my weight.
This is what we have done (my doctor and I): I do general labs every time I have an appointment. Testosterone was low and we fixed that - everything else was perfect. I went to a rheumatologist and ruled everything with her out (arthritis, etc.). Then he thought since I do have some stress that when I sleep my body could be tight and not repairing at night so he wrote me a low dose of amitriptyline before I go to bed. I take glutamine, creatine and multivitamins but still need to work on my water intake. I try and keep my protein at least 80% of my body weight. And at his request I have made an appointment at a neurologist to rule anything out there.
I think I have ruled out rhabdo because it's been going on so long I really don’t have the major symptoms of that except for muscle pain. But I’m thinking that it may be overtraining syndrome. There really isn’t a huge amount of information on this except some real general info. If that is what it is then I know that I have to take a break. I really don’t have anyone to ask about it and my husband doesn’t understand because he has his own health issues and would think this is silly. “It’s just muscle soreness...take another rest day.”
I am 50 years old mom with 3 young kids and luckily don’t look it and I’m proud where I have gotham my physique. I’m at 21% BMI and my composition looks pretty buff. No one would know or even guess that I have this issue. I am afraid to lose this and that is why I have pushed through and not stopped keeping very consistent with my workout schedule. I’m sure that I am doing my body wrong by pushing through it. I am just afraid that I won’t be as consistent if I stop when I start back up and that I will lose my gains. Also since I don’t know what's causing it I wonder if it's just going to happen again since the general consensus is that I’m going about my workouts in a way that is reasonable.
I would like to hear you opinion on what you think it may be. If you think it is Overtraining Syndrom and your thoughts on a break. I really can’t imagine just living with this pain and I don’t want to chalk it up to “this is just what working out does to me.”
Any help you can give me would be helpful. Thank you. Sam
This is what we have done (my doctor and I): I do general labs every time I have an appointment. Testosterone was low and we fixed that - everything else was perfect. I went to a rheumatologist and ruled everything with her out (arthritis, etc.). Then he thought since I do have some stress that when I sleep my body could be tight and not repairing at night so he wrote me a low dose of amitriptyline before I go to bed. I take glutamine, creatine and multivitamins but still need to work on my water intake. I try and keep my protein at least 80% of my body weight. And at his request I have made an appointment at a neurologist to rule anything out there.
I think I have ruled out rhabdo because it's been going on so long I really don’t have the major symptoms of that except for muscle pain. But I’m thinking that it may be overtraining syndrome. There really isn’t a huge amount of information on this except some real general info. If that is what it is then I know that I have to take a break. I really don’t have anyone to ask about it and my husband doesn’t understand because he has his own health issues and would think this is silly. “It’s just muscle soreness...take another rest day.”
I am 50 years old mom with 3 young kids and luckily don’t look it and I’m proud where I have gotham my physique. I’m at 21% BMI and my composition looks pretty buff. No one would know or even guess that I have this issue. I am afraid to lose this and that is why I have pushed through and not stopped keeping very consistent with my workout schedule. I’m sure that I am doing my body wrong by pushing through it. I am just afraid that I won’t be as consistent if I stop when I start back up and that I will lose my gains. Also since I don’t know what's causing it I wonder if it's just going to happen again since the general consensus is that I’m going about my workouts in a way that is reasonable.
I would like to hear you opinion on what you think it may be. If you think it is Overtraining Syndrom and your thoughts on a break. I really can’t imagine just living with this pain and I don’t want to chalk it up to “this is just what working out does to me.”
Any help you can give me would be helpful. Thank you. Sam