Nope, never have. What are your goals? I assume by your stats you are into bodybuilding. If you are going to spend money on a trainer, I would recommend getting with someone who understands your goals, and preferably someone who has already accomplished those goals or has trained others to reach those goals.
This may not be true everywhere, but it is true everywhere I hae been, most trainers don't know their ass from a hole in the ground. some of course are very knowledgeable, but I have seen a ton of guys with 15 inch arms trying to tell some kid who knows even less than him, about how to get massive and strong. How would this weanie know? If he is not himself massive and strong, how could he for sure know what it takes for someone to get that way? See what I mean?
If you are wanting to train like a bodybuilder, I would look for someone who has competed as a bodybuilder. If you want to be strong, find a powerlifter or a strongman competitor.
When I was younger, I always went up to the biggest guys in the gym, and asked if I could get some advice (after they were done working out of course) and many times, they would allow me to work out with them in exchange for a good spot and some company. This is not foolproof, but it is free.
Very few people mind someone coming up and saying, can I ask you for some advice? Save the personal trainer money and spend it on cheeseburgers or sostenon, they would both be a better investment IMHO.