Thanks for going Platinum, but don't be a Playa hata. And really, I'm not married and would never want anyone to treat women poorly.
The debate of nice guys vs jerks is one of the oldest of relationship and seduction issues. The essence of being a "nice guy" however is widely misunderstood. It is believed, that being polite, considerate, friendly, tender, romantic etc is what being a "nice guy" is all about and should be avoided. Think about it, it's the "jerk", the rude, inconsiderate, impolite, rough guy who always gets to shag the girl while the "nice guy" is waiting outside in the pouring rain with flowers in his hand... and waiting... and waiting...
It doesn't however mean, that women prefer rude over polite, inconsiderate over considerate etc. It all becomes clear when we look at a very important issue often overlooked when trying to understand, why the "jerks" beat the "nice guys" when it comes to getting the girls. It comes down to sexuality - the "jerks" are not afraid to show that they are sexual, while for the "nice guys" hiding their sexuality is part of their agenda of being friendly, polite, and courteous towards women. Big mistake! Here's an example:
Should I buy her (the HB: hot babe) a drink?
HB- Her, the Hot Babe.
Nice Guy - you!
HB (thinking "Let's see if I can hook this sucker"): "Will you buy me a drink?"
Nice Guy (thinking "Oh boy am I in luck, this woman must like me, she's asking me to buy her a drink"): "Sure!"
HB (thinking "Ha! Another supplicating male to buy me a drink just because I asked him. What a wimp. Do they really all think I'm gonna go to bed with them for a bottle of beer? Jeez... I'll take my drink and continue searching for a REAL MAN."): "Thanks! You're so sweet! Bye now! "
Nice Guy (confused): "Hey... wait! Um...?"
Even if she stays for say five or ten minutes and has a nice little chit-chat with you - you started with a crash and burn approach tactic, you've already been crossed out in her book of prospective partners because you SUPPLICATED! (definition Supplicate: To ask for humbly or earnestly, as if by begging). You might as well have just gotten on you knees and begged to get in her pants! And how sexy would that be? Women have nothing but scorn and disrespect for supplicating men.
Offering to buy her a drink is even worse!