I wouldn't do it again...EVER
I did Deca about a year and a half ago, and I wish I hadn't. But no-one put a gun to my head it was my choice.
I also think I was a little androgenic gentically to start with, deep voice high sex drive etc...and shouldn't have gone there.
I got that 'Scratchy Throat' your'e talking about and came off.
I had a very, deep voice to start with but now I sound like Barry White!!! (We'll maybe not quite)LOL, but it dopeed a good few octives and now has a deep booming pitch, everyday on the phone people call me Sir instead of Madam, I'm deadly serious. This all happened when I came off, along with a smattering of acne on my back (which eventually went) and a little facial hair (which is under control now).
But the biggest pisser of all time for me and it breaks my heart, but it's all my fault, is that I can't anymore, I have permanently fucked my singing voice through taking Deca. I can sing, but not like I used to and I go hoarse and can't get good notes out.
I don't sing for a living, but I loved to sing in the car to my tapes, and now i sound like shit.
Yes, I was as strong as an ox on it, yes I grew, but think long and hard, I was on 50mg a week, and it happened three weeks in. And I was on the BC too!!
Primo baby, primo.
Just me trying to help, good luck.