OMFG tell me this is a joke. If he is on roids he should ask for his money back. He was at my gym about a year ago. He is at most 5'7 to 5'8 between 165-175. As I recall he was lifting nothing that would merrit juice use benching well under 225.
OMFG tell me this is a joke. If he is on roids he should ask for his money back. He was at my gym about a year ago. He is at most 5'7 to 5'8 between 165-175. As I recall he was lifting nothing that would merrit juice use benching well under 225.
That wasn't 50 then, my girlfriend has a picture with him he looked huge plus its well documented that he is 6'0. Im 6'0 198 11-12% bf and I think he looks huge compared to me.
That wasn't 50 then, my girlfriend has a picture with him he looked huge plus its well documented that he is 6'0. Im 6'0 198 11-12% bf and I think he looks huge compared to me.
That wasn't 50 then, my girlfriend has a picture with him he looked huge plus its well documented that he is 6'0. Im 6'0 198 11-12% bf and I think he looks huge compared to me.
Then what were all the body guards doing there. I know what the man looks like and it was widely reported he was in town for a movie. I am around 5'6 he was maybe 3-4 inches tops taller then me. It was him no doubt in my mind he ain't that big guys you do know that a good camera angle can add a fair bit not to mention tons of photo retouching.
OMFG tell me this is a joke. If he is on roids he should ask for his money back. He was at my gym about a year ago. He is at most 5'7 to 5'8 between 165-175. As I recall he was lifting nothing that would merrit juice use benching well under 225.