Just checking in...I miss journaling!
I started cardio again every morning (45 min - 1 hour) 2 weeks ago. I have now added seated leg exercises and biceps/triceps. I haven't done seated leg exercises in a LONG time and I hated having to sit on the extension and curl hammer machines. But, I'm adjusting and find pleasure in the leg press. I've been doing about 6 - 8 high rep sets with various foot positions. This past Sunday after 6 sets I stacked on 450lbs and pressed it 4 times (with onebreath screaming at me of course and me making the most awful sounds). So with the sled that was
495lbs! It felt great, now to get 8 out - might take me a couple more weeks but it will be done! Of course I feel terrible today - my glutes hurt so bad they feel like they are bruised when I sit or touch them and my hams are screaming.
This week I'm adding in a few extra 20 minute cardio sessions in the afternoon after weights. Overall my macros are good and I've been consistant with timing of my meals - except tonight I had carbs at 7
- No weight gain but no significant loss either.
Hope everyone is in good health - I'll touch base again when I can press out 8 reps of 475. LOL - OK, maybe before that. I do start DC training in January and will want to log that