okay.. let me explain and correct some myths.. the enzyme that breaks down lactose is lactase.. about 75% of Americans lack that enzyme. after childhood that number goes up.. you can look that up on google.. asians and african americans its over 90%. but a lot of black people drink milk, more than any other race in the US.. again we go back to my above posts as to why.. because its a helluva lot cheaper and convienient to buy a gallon of pasteurized fat and sugar, then buy some decent chicken, beef, turkey, eggs, etc. you would notice if you started buying more of those vs. milk your grocery bills would sky rocket. no different than buying a box of pasta or cereal vs. real food. pasteurized shit is the reason so many americans are in bad shape and have bad health. BUT they do it like you said in your first sentence because so many people like shit out of a box
now there are levels that tend to have a harder time.. even if its slight bloat and gas. some people get diarhea and naseau from milk.. some guys get bloat.. some guys get gas.. everyone is different.. there is a small segment of the population that is fine with it.
just like going out on a boat and some guys bragging how 'tough' they are that they don't get sea sick. and then a week later they go out again and are throwing up for 5 hours straight. the body doesn't always react each time the same. MOST humans get sea sick, thats a fact .. BUT doesn't mean you will every single time you go out.
however just because you drink milk and digest it fine doesn't mean its good for you. it has no health benefits, every nutrient is zapped away anyway when its pasteurized.
Drink Raw Milk for Muscle Gains - YouTube << skip to 1:30 if you want.. check out this video and you will understand more. you need to find raw milk unpasteurized if you insist on milk (which is illegal btw), thats the only way you will get anything out of it.. otherwise you are just drinking fat and sugar. if you would strip milk out of your diet the way you look now.. holy shit you would be ripped to shreds. i bet you would drop 1-2% body fat instantly
and let me ask you a serious question to ponder.. would you drink human milk straight out of a womans boob? sounds silly right.. so then why is it okay to drink milk out of a cows boob that was pumped full of hormones? leave cow milk for baby cows. the dairy industry has a wonderful scam going and has millions on the hook.. you have an entire section at every grocery store that sells milk, but as more people become educated less and less people are drinking milk these days and the dairy industry is slowly dying off.. if milk was so good for you then you would see lifters at gyms walking around with milk jugs drinking between sets, not water. you would see them handing out milk to runners at road races, not water.