The studies are totally relevant. They clearly show my point which I've stated atleast 10 times that when adequate proteins are present , insulin spike w/CHO pwo does nothing (atleast nothing in terms of protein synthesis)
I didn't say anything about you being dumb. You made that statement probably because you partly believe it. If you are smart enough to interpret studies , then why not post one which show insulin spike PWO actually has some affect in protein synthesis??
You have yet to do so
I dont have such a study - I have stated that. Hence the reason for the existance of this thread.
GJohnson - at no point have you demonstrated a comparison of high and low insulin levels on protein synthesis. Thats a fact. You have posted threads about glycogen synthesis (several), you have shown amino acids are effective at increasing slin, you have shown that more protein is synthesised in the presence of ingested protein, insulin and cho, than with just cho and insulin (duh).
You have not shown that low levels of insulin are just as effective as an insulin spike in the presence of protein and CHO.
To do this you simply need to provide a study which used a valid method to determine net protein synthesis (not hormonal markers), in 2 scenarios
1. High insulin, protein and CHO V's 2. Low insulin, protein and CHO.
In fact, if the second scenario was as effective without the presence of CHO, that would really validate everything you have said.