how about being honest? they're doctors - they're not retarted. believe me, they have seen a lot worse than some juice head coming into the ER with a sore shoulder.
though, no, I am not from the US so I cannot speak regarding your health care and thus Insurance, here in the Great White North (Canada for the slower folks) he could be injecting gasoline into his delts and it still would not make a difference for his insurance. the docs are there to help you - not judge you. people are brought into the ER everyday OD'ing - they do not lose their insurance (well, like I said - at least not here in Canada).
For God sake - be honest - quit F&%!ing around and go to the doc. its your body nobody on here is a doc (well, none that I know of) and even if they were -they cannot properly diagnose you over the net.
quit asking questions here for medical advice and ask the RIGHT PEOPLE - DOCTORS.