Hey K-ette! Don't sweat it. Did you do all your pre-op prep? Start loading your vit C, cut out the aspirin, etc that would affect clotting?
Bring a front button shirt that is baggy to wear home. Keep some oatmeal and other mushy stuff (easy to eat stuff) around for your first day or two. Probably no problems after that.
The one thing I would highly recommend is to have a comfortable spot to sleep for the first day or two -- even if its in a recliner chair. And have a couple bags of frozen peas ready to go - these are the BEST for the soreness/swelling!
Otherwise, no worries - just follow what your doc says about how high to lift your arms at what point after the operation and any other instructions. When you get the stitches out, stay out of the sun for a few months and vit E oil is supposed to be good to help w/ scar healing. Ask your doc, he/she may also have something to help w/ that. If you have lots of bruising, you can ask at your local health food / supp shop about arnica.
Good luck! The first few months are a big deal, but once you buy the new bras, the new swim suits, etc. its no big deal. Only issue I have is sleeping on my stomach. I'm a tummy sleeper and it took me 3 months before I could roll over. I still have to sleep w/ my chest propped up on my hands or something. (I had unders.)
The worst is when I got for a massage - I have to get a towel rolled up to rest my upper chest on so the girls don't get squished! And also take it easy getting back into the gym doing chest stuff -- it'll be tight for a little bit - but just take it as you are comfortable. It may take 6 months to get used to these things!
( o ) ( o ) Here's lookin at ya kid!