Hi Austin
Scorpio, Radar, and the guys are right. Stay away from steroids or pro-hormones until your late 20's at least. At your age steroids will close your growth plates and stunt your growth, and also reduce or stop your production of natural testosterone. The latter, will not only mean you'll have difficulty producing sprogs, but it will also affect muscle and bone growth/strength, and you'll have a poor sex drive, and no hairs on your chest or around your 'gentleman vegetables'. Not good.
Dianabol are very strong oral steroids. However, ten tablets, or say 50-100mg in total, isn't likely to have any detrimental sides, so long as you have stopped taking them and don't resume. At your age your body should be able to recover quickly and completely from their effect(s) hormonally, within a week or two. You shouldn't even notice anything at all - side effects wise - I wouldn't have thought. If you'd been taking 100 tablets over a few weeks, then the advice would have been different, but as it is, I think you've done yourself a big favour and you've got off lightly.
Three things you need to focus on if you want to get bigger and more muscular:
1. Diet (lots of calories and plenty of meat and vegetables).
2. Weight training routine (3 or 4 days a week, and no more than an hour at the gym on each occasion).
3. Rest and good sleep (Don't get overdoing your time in the gym or doing aerobic exercise that will not help build mass).
There's a heck of a lot of excellent information on here about diet and training. If I was you, I'd also take Radar up on his polite offer to help.
Read all you can absorb on nutritious food and calories for building muscle, and weight training routines for teenagers starting out in the pursuit.
If you smoke cigarettes, weed, or drink alcohol, then you've got to
at least quit the first two, and cut down drastically on the last. You're not old enough to drink anyway
. If you smoke then I'll guarantee that you'll be 14Ibs heavier this time next year by just quitting them, never mind training and eating properly. If you do smoke and quit, AND train and eat right, you could easily be two stones heavier in a years time.
I packed up smoking when I was 22 because I was skinny, weak, and soon to be a father. I was 130Ibs and 5'9" tall. By the time I had turned 24 (18 months later) I was nearly three stone heavier and I was NOT fat!
I just ate more, trained a few times a week without going mad or obsessed, and never touched a ciggy. If it worked for me - a stereotypical ectomorph - I know and promise it will work for you. You just need to want it enough
Good luck dude.