Y'know, I know we are told to read the TOS before we sign up, but honestly ... I mean, I've actually read the TOS buthow many people can claim THAT? Hmmm???
Hmm, what about a mass email for all EFers ... hmm, they might read that, especially if you work Karma into it somehow ...
Something to the effect of:
The following is a no-no (don't think about posting it, it's gonna get deleted and might get you timed out):
1. Potentially underage pics with a hint of sex.
2. Poop threads.
3. Abortion threads.
4. Racist stuff.
5. Tub Girl, Hive Tit, etc., 'nough said.
Reasons threads get moved:
1. Sex stuff belongs in in Between the Sheets.
2. Pictures of naked people belong in either Pics of Women or Pics of Men.
3. Steroid stuff goes in Anabolics.
4. Nobody in C&C works out so why bother asking questions about that stuff here

There are
very good diet and training forums and those issues are best addressed there.