Heres the msg he sent me
" know u r str8t im a bi male 27 and ill pay u $100,000.00k if u let me give u head and this is for real i can prove i have the money and if u agree u will get money upfront. u need a webcam so i can see u and if this offends u i am sorry not meant to be offensive but plz respond either way if u r interested or not."
My reply: "I call bullshit. If you were such a high roller, why aren't out in the clubs, offering money, whatever........ taken care of whatever fantasy ur looking for. Seems weird you'd approach some random person on the internet, when you could do it to people in real life. Or maybe ur a cop......."
His replay "im not a cop and u can call bullshit if u want. i know im not bullshiting and the reason i dont go to clubs is because i dont go to clubs lol simple as that i dont do this around where i live no one knows im bi no one knows i pay for this type shit. so u can believe what u want dude. my offer to u is real u can take it or leave it. ive done this with 5 hott str8t guys so i know some wil do it. i can prove to u i have the money if u have yahoo or msn and u will need a webcam also. tell me how big u r length and thickness be honest"
So even if this shit was legit... i'd have to worry about safety, or he still could be a cop