You show my point exactly...a bodybuilder mostly trains to all out failure with their intensity. Maybe even several sets to failure on that exercise. I don't think that you can do GHR's to failure (one or many sets) more than once per week...or maybe twice.
- Then why is the big dogs in the BB scene ex power-lifters ? they certainly dont follow a 7 day HIT split rutine ... ronnie hits twice a week i understand, as well as being an ex powerlifter and having an extreme dead-lift amongst ...
You show my point exactly...a bodybuilder mostly trains to all out failure with their intensity. Maybe even several sets to failure on that exercise. I don't think that you can do GHR's to failure (one or many sets) more than once per week...or maybe twice.
- Then why is the big dogs in the BB scene ex power-lifters ? they certainly dont follow a 7 day HIT split rutine ... ronnie hits twice a week i understand, as well as being an ex powerlifter and having an extreme dead-lift amongst ...