Most women above 30 are like a fine automobile. You don't just jump in there and turn the key and slam the pedal to the floor. You have to warm the engine a little first. Slowing down, passionate kisses, petting, fondling, whatever floats thier boat. That is where the kissing comes in. If they are not turned on by the kiss you are most likely not getting any further. A woman is a sensual being and if she is not warmed up correctly expect an epic fail moving forward. Bro needs to learn how to passionatley kiss a woman and then maybe come back for a second chance. All that overly aggressive shoving your tongue down her throat shit will get you sent home alone. Lmao
Dead on! Kissing always was very important... And I don't share a kiss on the first date because of that... Its not just something I want to throw out there, esp if he's a very good kisser and the date went well... I'll be all worked up