I do think I look better, I've lost an inch and a half from my waist and my lifts have improved if only slightly. I was really psyched going to get my bf measured because I was certain I'd lost a fair bit of fat.
I keep a food diary for a couple days each week just to make sure I'm not slipping up. I've been living on protein shakes and fish/chicken/red meat with flax and fish oil thrown in.
This is Thursday 15th May:
7:45am Protein shake (48g pro) 2 fish oil capsules, 1 tblspoon flax.
11:00am Protein Shake (48g pro) 2 fish oil capsules, 1 tbl spoon flax.
13:00 2 chicken grill things (44g pro) (20g fat)
16:00 Protein shake (same as above)
18:00 2 quarter pounder 100% beef burgers, no buns, (30g pro) (21g fat)
20:00 (Training)
Post training 500ml grape juice (75g carbs), Protein shake (60g pro)
Before going to sleep 2 teaspoons of glutamine
I have been very strict on myself and am basing my diet around this:
Similarly my training is split to 4 times a week, each body part once a week
Monday Off
Tuesday Biceps and triceps
Wednesday Off
Thursday Shoulders and Traps
Friday Off
Saturday Chest and Back
Sunday Legs and Abs
I am following this training plan
Seeing my body fat go up and knowing I lost a good 20lbs of muscle and may have actually gained a little fat has really destroyed my inner drive.