Welcome! I have found this bodybuilding lifestyle to be very therapeutic - for the body, mind, and soul.
I'm not a bodybuilder or fitness competitor, but I enjoy these boards because there is so much knowledge and support. I train to make my body the best athlete it can be. That's what that saying at the bottom of my post "Stronger Faster Better" is about - it's what I think about when I train. Never think of yourself as a "dieter" or any other negative word, but rather think of yourself as an "athlete in training" - it's a more positive focus.
Something else I recommend is keeping a training log. It's really been my secret weapon. I admit I felt a little silly bringing it to the gym, because most people didn't use one. After time passed though, I began to notice my body changing while others stayed the same, and this has been going on a few years now

! I like the training log for several reasons:
1) Saves time because you don't have to guess what weight you used last time.
2) It pushes me to try harder - for each exercise I record the weight and reps I did. Then when I'm writing up my new workout, I'll note how many reps I got the last time at that weight, so I'll try to beat it the next time.
3) If I start thinking about blowing off training, I think of the trouble I took to write up that workout plan and how guilty I'll feel having to leave blanks by every exercise.
4) It's great fun to go back several months and see how much progress you've made
Here's an interesting site about training you might want to check out: