Anyone wanna hook me up with a new routine?
I need low low volume, high intensity, with reps of 3-4-5, anything higher don’t make the muscles grow much I found.
Id likes to focus on my Tri's (lower area around elbows), upper chest (neck area), calves (outsides) and hams (everywhere). And add an inch to the bi’; I want some 17's

I know big tri's help hehe
My strong points are forearms, shoulders, lower chest, lats (too big for my frame if you ask me) look like wings when I raise my shoulder and flex em, then traps & thighs
I’m a 5"10' 195 lber almost 200, kinda jumps from 200 to 195, most of the weight is in my upper body, I have a naturally large upper body, I’m a so I think a more focused lower body routine would benefit me the most in terms of lean body weight gain. I try to shoot for symmetry, don’t get me wrong though, my legs are equal for body composition in my opinion but it couldn’t hurt to gain some more weight in that area, just certain areas.
I will post a pic soon of my progress, I have been bulking big time, and I’m no longer cut like from my pic
I need a change.