New member
wtf??? lol craigslist. dont worry about not getting a chub. me and my friend were gonna give this slut that fucks everyone the rotiseree. i already fucked her an hour before. she was giving me head but seeing my friend laying on my bed naked just killed it. i told him to go away for a minute and then i just fucked her again and then him and my other friend fucked her in my basement. shes such a great girl she openly talks about how we ran the train on her
ROTFL at what defines a "great girl". That was sweet and endearing. (still chuckling)
I know a guy who did a 3 way with a woman and her husband doing DP. He said his cockledoodledoo was bigger than the other guy's and he didn't have a good vibe from him at the end maybe cuz the wife enjoyed HIM more than the husband- so he says.