i would do the same shit , totally try to take my mind off of fuckin. i would start like doin math homework and shit in my head lol i did the grandma naked thing too
I think about ELVIS and sing to my self.I can always last at least 32 seconds.Cant think about granny she was hot(in that ugly / old way)My first is in the 15-20 range
always good for 2
u guys suck... i can go for like 30-45mins before i really start to feel the urge to bust my load...........speaking of such,.... i really need to get laid
i usually get myself off about 10 times before i have sex with a girl for the first time, then i wear a condom. that combination equals hours. of course it sucks big time for me, but it gaurantees me a second time, of which i can then get off real quick, and blame it on a fluke.