forget that meso-endo body type crap. really, all it has to do with is genetic predisposition with regards to overall metabolic speed and bone structure. Unless you have a chemical imbalance, your body should be able to drop more fat.
Belial, thanks so much for your interest in helping me, I really appreciate it! Only reason I mentioned my body type was cause I believe my genetics make it easy for me to put on muscle and at the same time hard to lose the fat. I have had my thyroid checked recently and all my thyroid hormone levels are within normal range with my T3 actually even on the high side. Anyway, I just started my new current program of diet and training on the 7th so I really will not be able to tell if it's working or not for 2 more weeks which is when I'll get my body fat checked again. I get calipered every 3 weeks on Fridays. So at that time, if it hasn't given me better results than I have been getting, then I will definitely let you know, post my whole program and see if you can offer any suggestions. Until then, I'd rather just stick to what I have til I see if it works or not. But here's the general description.
For my diet, okay, my maintenance calories (checked and averaged back in beginning of Aug) are 2650. With this diet, my average cals per week is 427 cals below maintenance. Sundays ratio is 211g P/123g C/90g F per day (2146 cals) and I have 3 hours of speed skating practice that day. Mon & Tue my ratio is 252/60/102 for 2166 cals. Wed is 210/180/78 for 2262 cals. Thu & Fri same as Mon & Tue. Sat is like a carb-up and closer to my maintenance calories day, day before my 3 hour speed skating practice. My ratio is 210/210/90 on Sat. for a total of 2490 cals. I was actually thinking about going ahead and just making Sat. a maintenance calorie day just to help keep my metabolism up. But anyway, that is my new diet plan I just started on the 7th.
My training goes like this: Sunday - 3 hours of speed skating practice. Monday - hour of cardio and abs. Tuesday - Legs and calves. I will usually pick 4 or 5 different exercises for legs (do the same thing for about 2 weeks) and do 3-4 sets in the 12-20 rep range, reason is cause my legs are way ahead of my upper body mass wise from skating so I do less weight, higher reps. Calves I usually do anywhere from 6-12 sets going heavy one week and lighter more reps the next week. When I go heavy they are sore for 5 days! I pound the heck out of them cause they lack definition. Anyway, Wednesday - chest & tris. I do 3-4 sets of 8-12 reps for each exercise using barbells and dumbbells (usually for 2 weeks at a time) doing incline, flat, and flies. For tris, I do 3 or 4 exercises (whatever I feel like) for 3-4 sets each exercise for 10-15 reps. I've been doing a lot of dips right around the 10 rep range. Thursday - back & bis. I do 4 sets of wide grip pullups right around 10 reps and 3 or 4 sets of close grip pullups (again around 10 reps) sometimes supersetted with the wide grip. Then I pick 2 more exercises to do 3 sets on in the 8-12 rep range. Then for bis, whatever exercises I feel like doing, I do 3 exercises, 3 sets each, in the 8-10 rep range. Fridays - shoulders and cardio. I will do 4 exercises for shoulders in the 8-12 rep range pretty much using exercises to really try to put mass on my side delts right now cause that's where I need work. Many times I will start and end with a good mass builder. For cardio, either an hour or 30 min whatever I have time for. Saturdays are my off days.
And that is the current program I'm using. The training part is based off where I need improvement on my physique. Only other thing I can say is that I eat very clean. I dropped the protein bars just this week. So the foods I eat in my meals are: red salmon, tuna, olive oil, chicken (thighs & breasts), eggs (usually 4 yolks a day at most and two per meal), oatmeal, sugar free syrup, natural peanut butter, natural applesauce (only once per day), spinach, broccoli, green beans, asparagus, brown rice, whole wheat bread (but only in meals 1-3), protein shakes, heavy whipping cream, glutamine, multi-vitamins, whey aminos, liver tablets, just started taking MD6 and Yohimbe on Sunday. Also taking L-carnitine, green tea, sometimes caffeine tablets. I've been eating this clean since Aug. 10th (except I was having protein bars). And I've been training my butt off very consistently. Only cheat I have is a Cookies & Cream Bio Protein bar (26 grams sugar) right before speed skating practice and I just started that. Before this diet, I was keeping my carbs around 100 a day every day then on Sat eve last meal I'd carb up with oatmeal and some fetuccine pasta.
So do you see what I mean? You would think I would be having more sucess than a 1% loss over 3 weeks! So yes I am open to suggestions however, understand that I probably won't incorporate the suggestions until I see if this current plan works, I have to see if this works first, know what I mean? Starting a thermo might even BE just enough to break my plateau, we'll see. But thanks for taking the time to read this novel I posted and offering help. It's so nice to have virtual trainers!