Nathan said:Again, what if you don't need your testes "awoken"? Like, my blood tests showed clomid did that and put my lh - leutenizing hormone - ABOVE normal levels - probably 200% more than I would make on my own.
What about the testes response to FSH - follicle stimulating hormone - ? Does HCG - human chorionic gonadotropin - help with that?
And then what about guys on test replacement therapy wanting to have kids? Wouldn't clomid be sufficient in most cases? Or is the testes sensitivity to FSH reduced as well?
If you’ve been on steroids for a long period of time, and didn’t use h CG during the cycle then its likely you will need an “awakening”. Only about 10-20% of the male population can get away with not using hCG on cycle or after, and recover ok withou it. So perhaps in your case you could get away with a clomid only PCT.
h CG mostly mimics LH, but it has minor FSH activity too, and it can keep a man fertile if used concurrently with steroids or HRT.
Clomid wont serve the same purpose during a cycle. I highly doubt it would provide enough LH/FSH stimulation to keep a man fertile during a cycle, and even if it did nobody should be considering clomid for long-term use – it is very toxic stuff.