It took me 4 months and a stretch to 8ga before I could have sex comfortably.
I should be stretching to 6ga this week. My jewelery and taper were ordered and my gf will get them autoclaved at work. I did my own stretch to 8ga and I will be doing my own stretch to 6ga.
I know. I've had mine since mid-Feburary. It took me forever to have pain free sex though, 4 months. That's a lot longer than it should have, and everyone I've talked to about it said it didn't take them that long. Except one guy, he said it took him about 6 months and he had to stretch to 6ga before it was comfortable.
If my 6ga jewelery and taper would ever show up, I could do that stretch. It'll be a bit more comfortable for me, but the 8ga has been good. My gf works in a doctor's office so she's going to autoclave everything for me. I'm worried that there might be some tearing with this stretch so I want to make sure everything is good and sterile.