Humble Pride
The funny thing is like We all need to express who we are, what we stand for, well today meaning has been replaced by what is interesting, or basically what we roll in. -I'm the guiltiest of this- the funny thing is I like I see that in this community, which I dig on so much, the paradox/or paradigm for that matter of contradiction in which we need drama to feel alive and stimulated, yet, it always spills over to hate. I mean, its kinda neat to watch the process unfold.
Metaphorically, a sensation will spark it, in this case the return of snackles, then a out of the conditioned need for drama, and I"m not blaming anyone here, I have no Idea who started what, but a the sensation develops into a perception or thought... I'm speaking metaphorically, in precise terms, but basically the conditioned spark, develops on 2 different levels. On one level, people start forming identities and friendships of who they stand against, on the more symbolic level, beliefs and emotions are galvanized into positions.
Thus we see each 'Other'.
Anyway... I can see how this can be a dangerous thing, cause in Tunisia, their suicide rate is 77% higher than the United States, all because a very wealthy adolescent killed himelf distraught by a lover, anyway, kids got word of the story, and culture always creeps on us through time. Anyway kids would pass the story, and as the story passed, so did the kids taking their own lives at the most slightest of aggravations. Columbine same thing, like it happened when teen violence was down, then all of a sudden due to the 'culture' of this current field of time we are in, the cell phones, the internet, teens have a closed off way of communication exclusive to teens alone, well culture spreads... and shootings emerged like wild fire. Closed off social networks... we spread ideas, we build identities, beliefs, and we spread them in all aspects of our lives.
Again no solution...
Either way I have no idea what this thread was about, nor do I wanna go through the lunacy of it all, but I like Walli, I dig ManoWar, lol, Chris is my boy, and Stefka did point out correctly so, that everyone digs on her... so yeah... Not gonna fucking bust out in a verse of shiny happy people, but maybe some restraint would alleviate, peeps from going to bed with a little less self hate.
PoBoy returns tomorrow....LOL