17...I needed permission to enlist from my parents and my mother was loathe to give it...Dad just pointed out how responsible I was..it was a Shakespeare moment, "Let the boy earn his spurs because he wants to be a man." For my sins I was given the mission.
17...I needed permission to enlist from my parents and my mother was loathe to give it...Dad just pointed out how responsible I was..it was a Shakespeare moment, "Let the boy earn his spurs because he wants to be a man."
Yeah, I was too young; but dad always gave me a lot of freedom. I didn't have a curfew and he respected my work ethic. Mom always attended every athletic event and it was a very special event when I won the wrestle off and wrestled varsity as a freshman...it was embarrassing because I got my ass kicked in front of my dad. It was funny because my dad thought I was going to be pinned but I was a bridging mother fucker. My mom simply assured him that I wouldn't be pinned; she attended every wrestling event, she is still an awesome wrestling analyst.