I just realized that one of the advantages of sprints over long distance cardio is that you don't need a lot of space. It just hit me yesterday that I can do it on my block, infact Im gona go sprint right now
Another advantage is that it's just fun as hell. Its not boring and repetiative like jogging, your actually trying to do a max effort each time. You must push to be faster and stronger. I'm loving the new found world of sprinting.
I've noticed that since I have been doing sprints instead of long distance cardio, that my legs have a lot more spring to them, they just feel a whole hell of a lot better, any of you bro's notice anything similar?
I've noticed that since I have been doing sprints instead of long distance cardio, that my legs have a lot more spring to them, they just feel a whole hell of a lot better, any of you bro's notice anything similar?