Argent- I started with the blast shirt and never could get anything out of it. Ive had a couple of new guys lift with me that tried it, and it always fucked them up too. When I put them in my HPHD(which was almost to big for them) It would improve thier bench. I think this may have something to do with the cut of the shirt.
The group I lift with makes fu of me for still using a poly, but I'm partial to it now that I have grown into it.(Ive gone from 181 to 215 and still using the same shirt) As you will learn with poly-you can almost always go tighter than what you think with the fit. Im hoping to move up a weight class next year and still use this shirt as my opener.--It takes around 315ish to touch now.(and again, more gain in bodyweight will equal more weight to touch).
My advice if you are going to get the HPHD as your only shirt is If you are benching any amount of weight, go ahead and get the double thick poly, and velcro back. This shirt oght to last you competively fro awhile.---Hey, Scott Mendelson used a hand-me-down double poly from JM Blakely, so that ought to tell you something there!