I think he is talking about being motivated and not falling off the wagon diet.
In that case:
1. Set weekly objectives for fat loss. REAL-ACHIEVABLE objectives and strive to reach them each week.
2-. Set daily objectives for your training ("1 rep more, 5 lbs more, etc). Beat your personal best on a daily basis
3. Keep a BEFORE picture handy (I have one in my drawer... one quick look and no cheating for me).
4. I also keep a pair of old pants in my closet... I look at them everyday and I want to beat myself to a pulp for allowing myself to EVER be like that again.
5. Finally, what will keep you motivated is not ANY of the last 4 things... it will be your weekly results... to me it's like a HIGH, to see what will next Friday have for me (even though I know WHERE I want to be next friday).
It's all in your brain man, avoid the company of loosers and you will soar.