footballstud said:
Since your bulking, Eat up! lots of eggs, meat, and carbs.
Prob around 3500 cal a day for your size
Lot's of eggs, almonds, olive oil, fish oil, red meat and MODERATE GOOD CARBS. Plus make good use of carb timing. After training you can get a good bulk of you carbs for the day in. PWO and the meal immediately following it are really the best times for your body to utilize any carb.
During the other times, including breakfast, thin skinned colorful fruits, veggies, beans, sweet potatoes should make up the rest. I would choose a sweet potato over any wheat, barley, oats because of sensitivities to gluten and wheat.
Keeping those good carbs (and timing) in mind will definitely help keep you body sensitive to insulin. The more insulin sensitive you are, the less you need to worry about drowning dextrose for PWO.
Your body uses fat as a preferred source of long term energy. Your brain uses glucose as a preferred source of energy. Keeping that fat intake up will actually make you feel more energetic and keep your natty test levels rocking. Also it will boost HDL and keep the LDL particles fat and fluffy instead of getting smaller which is dangerous.
With that in mind, there is less bloat on bulking and looking at your pics it looks like you are lean enough to not have a giant concern with carbs. However, getting somewhere in the 400g level of carbs will make anyone bloat and store fat. Check out a pic of Poliquin, I don't think he eats more than 250g of carbs per day.
I should reference these people yet again to support my viewpoints: Charles Poliquin, Jeff Volek, Cassandra Forsythe that's the low carb camp and Joel Marion, John Berardi, Lyle McDonald (maybe) could support good carb choices and timing.
Don't forget the fat makes you fat and causes high cholesterol, saturated fat is bad, and cholesterol raises cholesterol theory has never been proven in 50 years. I do believe they finally admitted that too. Plus revealed that they didn't track other lifestyle habits of "study" participants including SMOKING.
I wonder how many guys that bloat badly on cycle and also have terrible lipid profiles are from a higher carb/ low fat (fat <50-60g per day) diet.
Ok, enough of my boring post. Good luck with your bulker.