New member
I have started my first cycle of test. I have been training seriously for 6 years now and have mastered how my body reacts and responds to different workout routines. But I am confused as to whether I should change my routine while on cycle. I normally hit each body part hard once a week, except for abs and calves which I hit 2-3 times per week. Should I keep my training frequency the same but just increase the number of total sets, or should I keep everything the same and just up the intensity or what? The problem is that I don't feel sore the next day because of the anti-catabolic nature of the steroid, but I still am afraid to overtrain. If I am hitting each muscle once a week, should increase to twice a week? My calories are around 4000 but real clean, I am 5'8" 194 lbs 8%bf, on 400mg of enanthate per week.