The more I look at this thread, the more I realise how complex this question can be, and Yes - this can have a relation to HIV, although indirectly. For example, I'm a Kinsly 6 when it comes to where I stand on my sex partners and desires. But recently, I was actually asked to to fuck a man's girlfriend while he watched. This was to be consenual all around. I MUST wear a condom when I do this and I know that it's mostly mental, but the act of putting a condom on, esp for Gay men who are mostly bottoms combined with internal guilt causes me to get limp dicked when I try to do this. Cialis and Caverject can sometimes help with this. And, yes, when I think about vaginal sex, it isn't the same as oral, anal or even mastubetory(sp?) sex. The fact that a vagina isn't as tight as these other methods would very likely be a determining factor as to if i would be succesful at this at all.
Just some facts to think about on this subject. Thanks! Alan Chiras.