b fold the truth said:
I did not get big by means of gear or training a bodypart more than once a week.
Just a thought though...here is what I used to do when I wanted to be a bodybuilder..
Monday: Legs, 2 light sets of chins or bar rows
Tuesday: Chest, 2 light sets for shoulders, bic, tric
Thursday: Back, 2 light sets of a leg movt
Friday: Shoulders, Bic, Tric, 2 light sets of a chest movt
The light sets would basically be 2 sets of 10-20 reps on a "shape" movement like flyes, hacks, rows, chins, conc curls, tric pressdowns, lateral raises...etc... They were VERY easy.
B True
Well. There are many ways to get muscular. Howeever more often per week training DOES have its benefits.
For bodybuilding you need to have as little time in between sets as possible.
3-5 minutes brakes are for powerlifters. Nothing is wrong with that, but it is for strength and not so much for size. Foir size you need to deplete your muscle. If you wait for 3+ minutees, your muscle is replenished. That is bad. You need to keep your muscle fibers depleted so that fresh fibers that havent been touched before go into the play.
OK. Consider days off in between your bodypart training as your rest periods.
Longer the brake, worse the results.
It is a myth that your muscles need X time to recover. Olympic lifters train their bodyparts up to 21 times per WEEK. They dont have any problems with mass. Sprinters sprint many times per day many days. Their legs are big and strong.
Humans dont loose leg size/strength, yet often walk EACH DAY many hours!
Well you might say "walking isnt iintense. Squatting is much harder." . Yes its true, but walking was tough for you once too. Guess what, your body adapted to walking. Why cant it adapt to squat 7 times per week????? Really think into it next time.
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