I thought it was referring to androgenic receptors in general...perhaps I need to revisit the article.
Biteme, there are many ways to train, and you have to do what works for you. What works for
me is Westside. Roughly, it looks like this:
Sunday...Dynamic (Speed) Bench
Monday...Max Effort Squat/Dead/GM
Tuesday...Sled Dragging or other GPP work
Wednesday...Max Effort Bench
Thursday...Sled Dragging or other GPP work
Friday....Speed Squats
I do active recovery every day, sometimes several times a day (see the sticky at the top of the training board). Each workout has two main moves, that are low TUT (1-3 RM on max days) or speed work, then the accessory work is in a higher rep range (for me, 10-15 of 3-4 sets). For example, ME Bench day might be Reverse band press to a 1RM, close grip 2 board to a 3RM, then JM presses for tris, reverse grip rows for lats, and face pulls for delts. That's it. There are 6 reasons I like this training method: Low rep work for strength, high rep work for hypertrophy, speed work, GPP, active recovery, and planned rest (deliberate intervals of time between max lift days, etc). In other words, variety. I grow like a weed, and the numbers keep going up too.
This thread shows some samples of our training: