Med Sci Sports Exerc 2002 Mar;34(3):511-9
Neuromuscular adaptations to concurrent strength and endurance training.
McCarthy JP, Pozniak MA, Agre JC.
Department of Orthopedics, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI 53706, USA.
[email protected]
PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to examine muscle morphological and neural activation adaptations resulting from the
interaction between concurrent strength and endurance training. METHODS: Thirty sedentary healthy male subjects were randomly
assigned to one of three training groups that performed 10 wk of 3-d x wk(-1) high-intensity strength training (S), cycle endurance
training (E), or concurrent strength and endurance training (CC). Strength, quadriceps-muscle biopsies, computed tomography scans
at mid-thigh, and surface electromyogram (EMG) assessments were made before and after training. RESULTS: S and CC groups
demonstrated similar increases (P < 0.0001) in both thigh extensor (12 and 14%) and flexor/adductor (7 and 6%) muscle areas. Type
II myofiber areas similarly increased (P < 0.002) in both S (24%) and CC (28%) groups, whereas the increase (P < 0.004) in Type I
area with S training (19%) was also similar to the nonsignificant (P = 0.041) increase with CC training (13%). Significant increases (P
< 0.005) in maximal isometric knee-extension torque were accompanied by nonsignificant (P <or= 0.07) increases in root mean
squared EMG amplitude of the quadriceps musculature for both S and C groups. No changes (P > 0.38) in the EMG/torque relation
across 20 to 100% maximal voluntary contractions occurred in any group. A small 3% increase (P < 0.01) in thigh extensor area was
the only change in any of the above variables with E training. CONCLUSIONS: Findings indicate 3-d x wk(-1) concurrent
performance of both strength and endurance training does not impair adaptations in strength, muscle hypertrophy, and neural activation
induced by strength training alone. Results provide a physiological basis to support several performance studies that consistently
indicate 3-d x wk(-1) concurrent training does not impair strength development over the short term.
In other words, it doesn't matter.........if you want to do cardio to maintain general fitness then go ahead in moderation. Just don't overdo it!