There are no magic numbers. It will depend on when and how hard you train, cardio, your metabolism, supplements, drugs, etc. etc.
You have to find what works for you. If someone says Oh, you need this many grams per day on these days etc. unless they've been working with you for a couple of years, they're full of shit. Only you can figure out what works.
Base it on how your lifts go, % bodyfat, how you feel mentally, and when you make changes, give them about 8 weeks before you assess body comp changes, unless you are really flat and tired, then the carbs are likely too low.
This whole topic has been discussed ad nauseum on the board. Do some searches, read over all the info and put something together for yourself.
For most, low carbs = 30 g/d and high carbs 150 - 200 g/d, but depends on the above. Usually 2 days of low carbs in a row is about it, unless its precontest, then perhaps 3.