This nice girl I was peeling on a friends couch told me I was #50. Seems when she started she went out and scored a new guy every saturday night. At the time i thought "what a whore" but you know I didnt stop till the money shot!
That was a good scrub in the shower after her.
when I didnt catch anything I went back for one more bang of her fine young booty.
I was averaging about 4 girls a year since 18 if you divide the age starting by bangs. best was two in a day. some of my friends had more than I have had now back when they were still in their early 20's. seemed they had better cars and more money. I have had more than candles on the cake, and thats all I worried about when chalking it up and making sure if I famined that the candles wouldnt catch up.
Ahhh. Thanks for shedding the light. LOL. I know guys that claim to have slept with 200-300 women. I don't believe them. That's like a whole town. I don't know why they'd want to admit to that many anyways. 50 is a buttload.
4 and i'm 31, but i was with the same girl for 13 years so i still got time to make it up to a bigger number, but dam wouldn't ya know it i dam well fell in love again. i hope that number never changes. ya i'm a puss i know.
4 and i'm 31, but i was with the same girl for 13 years so i still got time to make it up to a bigger number, but dam wouldn't ya know it i dam well fell in love again. i hope that number never changes. ya i'm a puss i know.
yeah already been married, but now i found the one that i'm going to spend the rest of my life with. it's fun when you find the person you just click with.