Man, it's not a bother. I'm happy to be able to share, because I was helped by a lot of people. When it comes to maintaining though......Today was the first day that I stepped back in the gym since the contest (July 26). I took a full week off. I have been eating everything that I want as much as I want. I gained 17 pounds. I still have abs (a little less pronounce, albeit) and I am vascular too. I'll give you a rundown of what I intend to do. I plan to weigh in at the next competition (in March) at as close to the max as I can. The cutoff is around 165. If I can gain 10 pounds of quality muscle, I will feel very good about walking away with 1st place. I think it is optimistic, but not impossible. I haven't taken any medicine to date. I plan to just eat until that stops working, then see where I end up. Back to training:
I plan to work one muscle group per day i.e. legs one day, chest the next, back, arms, shoulders and legs all on their own day. In no particular order. I won't do chest and arms too close together because I think they take away from each other. I intend to work out each day with the heaviest weights that I can keep form on for about 5 or 6 reps and 4-5 sets. I will do abs after probably two of these workouts per week. I will run for about 3 miles in the evenings 2 or 3 times a week. I don't want to overdo cardio, because I kind of believe that it is counter productive to try to gain muscle if your too worried about fat. At the same time, I don't want to have so much fat on me that it's tough to get down to competition form. I plan to start monitoring what I eat as well. I gave myself until today to just pig out after the contest. I will try to eat around 3500 calories a day spaced out in 5 or 6 meals. I think I will shoot for 40%/30%/30%. I'm not going to carry a calculator around or anything. I'm just gonna eye ball it and see what kind of progress I make.