How to Have CONFIDENCE and POWER in Dealing with People-By Les Giblin
Now if you're serious about really changing the way you do things with girls..and i mean really changing them, so you're the alpha male of all alpha males..where men and women both respect the gym, work, suggest highly you read this book..."How to Have CONFIDENCE and POWER in dealing with People" by Les Giblin. I need to refresh my skills and read up on it actually as ive been so busy lately and am now only beginning to have some free time since my 2nd to last semester (graduate this summer) of college finished, as well as my bb;ing show is finally done with. Better than some sites that charge you an arm n a leg for advice on bitches (this book is)...this will help you in ALL aspects of your life (and help others as well)...only cost me $10.00 on amazon i think...i read this back when i was 20...and everywhere i went..its like girls had a radar for me...hell i wasnt particuly muscular back then either, i was lean, tanned, but maybe 155 at 5'9 and 10% bf, but not much muscle hardness. But did girls care about that, hell naww. Although at the gym the female workout girls appreciate it alot more (the muscular look-for sure). I remember some of my happiest times came after reading that book because the change in my life was so drastic that it was almost downright scary...
Here's some things i wrote down in my online blog from a few yrs ago after reading that book, gives you an introspective look at how i looked at things diferently after reading it (its only 130 pages or a slow reader so i read one chapter a day-1-2 hours worth. took a week or a tad more)...remember i was 21 at the time of reading it, 20 going on 21 (this was essentialy 4 yrs ago)..but i still adhere to the same exact principles and my philosophies on life have never changed at all really, just tweaked, just like pro bodybuilders tweak their looks/physiques from getting a pro card, to gettin on the olympia stage, or how you tweak your diet 3 weeks out (speaking bodybuilder-esque now LOL)...
" to give everyone a wrong with friends..u can never have enough of those =0. Lately i seem to be making so many friends...i dont know who to call on what day, because there are so many new options now! Overall i definately like my new personality and the joys it brings not only myself, but others around me. I definately feel like a more giving and interesting as well as mature person now, and i like expressing the subtle details that fascinate and interest me, about little everyday things dealing with life. dieting now and it's taking a slight toll on my mental energy..but all is well!! Im looking better, feeling happier, and more motivated than ever to improve myself in not only my physical appearance, but mental, psychological, and personality wise...overall..i want to be a better person..and this is my lifetime goal im definately working towards as we speak...everyday i improve upon the day before...and learn from my past mistakes..which i think is part of growing up and maturing. Sure im not totally matured...but i think ive matured alot, emotionally, than where i was a couple years ago...say...even a year comparison hands down. Anyways...gotta finish a little studying then get my hour of cardio in walking the dog soon....take care all and have a great week!!!"
Thursday, March 17, 2002
"Id also like to continue on briefly before i get my hour of cardio in with the dog and mention that I feel so blessed and lucky to live the life that i do. I have two wonderful parents that love me and of whom im very, very close with...I couldnt ask for better parents to have and to know. Not only that but my brother and his girlfriend are totally awsome to me, and i think shes downright awsome with a killer personality and he's lucky to have her =). Im also thankful for my friends, accepting me for whom i am, as well as the education i have and the house my parents gave me. Most kids dont have one that are my age but i do, and for that im especially thankful...I can only hope to be this generous when I have children..for i know if i have the funds my dad does, i will most definately spoil them as much as possible (when deserved..hehe)=). Even if I dont...I know it's not all about money, but living comfortably, and being happy in your surroudings. I feel so motivated these schedule has become so important to me...and graduating college..less than 3 yrs left!!! Then time to work..and look for a good graquate program in Physician Assistant school to look into...3 years of that and wham...making 6 figures...the thought of that just makes my mouth water...i know it'll be lotsa work to get into it, and a long time b4 that happens...but with my persistant ambitious, dedication, and mentality that i put into my training and nutrition..i feel it extends into other aspects of my life such as education/career as ive always put my utmost effort into any endeavor i put my mind to, when i want to achieve a goal, and PA school is definately on that list. Thats #1 priority, but only right below that is my bodybuilding competition #2 that i want to enter into next year! Ahh the joys of competing...yes the diet is rigorous and tortorous...the cardio is long...the days are the end...the posing routine...for one's so worth it..when you get on stage in front of hundreds and or thousands of people..and it's just you...the catharsis that emulates in you travels beyond all realms of the chakras and is perpetually a force unknown but so great...that is lasts a lifetime in your memory, and in your heart. I know I'll love it when I'm up there. Thats all for now!! Cardio time! "
Thursday, April 1st, 2002
Everywhere i go lately i walk around with a smile and my head up high..and constantly look at girls that pass me, smile..and sometimes they smile back and or blush...hey...someone's gotta do it! =)
FYI friends of mine...dont take life too seriously..dont analyze every little aspect of it and try to contemplate why things are or arent the way they are....everything happens for a reason! And chances are..if they happened for that reason..if negativity arises from that...learn from it...and from that, your maturity will determine your own desiny and future outcomes from situations...since WE DO create out own realities. The best thing to do is think positve..and realize...not everyone is accepting of us...but who cares? We are who we are..if someone cant accept or handle that..fuck em...seriously...we're better than that and we shouldnt be ashamed for who we are and or what we have to offer. I say...personally...every person on this earth is one of god's children..and thus...should be treated with respect. So, respect you'd want to be treated yourself..thats my motto and knack for getting along with others. Also...the answer isnt merely getting's being social and putting yourself out there...that's the only road to happiness..don't be shy or afraid to be yourself..afterall...that's what people actually want from your true personality/self. I must again stress that things happen for a reason...and a certain event that took place in skokie IL some 5 weeks ago totally changed my life...the last 5 weeks have been the happiest of my life! Ive met more ppl the last 5 weeks than i have my entire life...seriously...i feel like im living a dream, as if im in someone elses shoes...but it feels so right..and it feels so damn good...and i get happier and more confident and excited each day, to start anew =). When i was in skokie, and i was down, my friends that were true to me, came to me for support..and gave me advice...especially bro and his gf..and i learned alot from that experience as well. basically..i learned from all this, there's no point in holding back your true personality, and being shy instead to protect is someone supposed to get to know you if you're holding back, based on your personal insecurities/self esteem issues, etc? fact is the other people dont know your baggage basically...drop that shit..and be yourself...and let others get to know the real being yourself shows confidence/assertiveness...two traits these days i feel are basically my middle name . I also learned from this that life is precious..and you should live every day as if it'll be your last! Why let time fly by, by the clock, day to day, letting our lives be lead by the clock? My mission and goal now is and has been the last 5 weeks, to be a more fun and interesting, and more importantly even, a happy person. So far ive exceeded that in my opinion even and i've helped so many people...and it makes me feel so good to know that i can take the attention off myself and help others in need, since ive already taken care of my own personal i want to help others to become happier...thats my goal as well =)
Im keeping my house spick n span, my car minty clean n shiny, and getting my homework all done on schedule is set. Plus my workouts these days were great...i barbell rowed 275lbs today for 5! The next 3 weeks ill diet down and do a model shoot 3 weeks from this coming is treating me well at the present to you all later!! Take care and god bless! =)
"Everyday above ground is a good day!"
P.S: there r all above quotes from back in 2002 from my online blog...its been a good while since then and with this atittude I was able to compete finally in 2005, take 5th in the novice but still get a trophy (as well as 3rd in the juniors..i was exstatic and overjoyed)....THIS year..i took 1st in the novice as well as the overall winner at the show and to this day, it's still hard to take it funny...every day i wake up, im someone reconnected to it, and the happyness it brought me.
But nonetheless people...realize..."Strength does not come from winning. Your struggles develop your strengths. When you go through hardships and decide not to surrender, that is strength". Arnold Schwarzenegar
and this applies to ALL areas of life...
hope i helped some of you guys out a little...thanks again for the advice on the latin hotty...time to go whackoff to some cute teeny bopper 18 yr olds i just downloaded off limewire licking each other's cunts...

(sorry ladies...i am a guy dont forget! )