I'm Gay and won't touch a tranny, etc... I like dudes. Big hot, sweaty dudes!!!!!! I'll fight a girls though..... just kidding...... I would fuck a really hot chick though. But shes got to be the real thing... bionic snatch tastes different....
I'm Gay and won't touch a tranny, etc... I like dudes. Big hot, sweaty dudes!!!!!! I'll fight a girls though..... just kidding...... I would fuck a really hot chick though. But shes got to be the real thing... bionic snatch tastes different....
Thats me bro- would you expect anything less? I do prefere dudes though. I'm randy as hell. Got to be the steno-dia-testo-aqua-velva- stuff going through my viens.
You know why this sport is so f-in homo-freeking scared is that these hetero guys have the same issues we gays do about lifting- we are making up for all the crap we took as skinny little kids in high school. But we are still dudes- with dude impulses and dude urges and now along comes some homos who are dudes too and oh yeah- muscles!!!! be afraid strait bois- be very afraid.... or not- just hang with us- we can be each others wing men... theres plenty to go round....
Thats me bro- would you expect anything less? I do prefere dudes though. I'm randy as hell. Got to be the steno-dia-testo-aqua-velva- stuff going through my viens.
You know why this sport is so f-in homo-freeking scared is that these hetero guys have the same issues we gays do about lifting- we are making up for all the crap we took as skinny little kids in high school. But we are still dudes- with dude impulses and dude urges and now along comes some homos who are dudes too and oh yeah- muscles!!!! be afraid strait bois- be very afraid.... or not- just hang with us- we can be each others wing men... theres plenty to go round....
that is the BEST comentary about gays/str8s in lifiting I've read; gave you reps and will be using your paragraph elsewhere; you hit the topic right on the head; YOU ROCK!
Bro, if your seriously contimplating screwing around with a tranny then your gay or bisexual. No ifs, ands or buts about it. If your gay, thats fine, but at least admit it to yourself. A dude dressed up like a chick is still a dude.
that is the BEST comentary about gays/str8s in lifiting I've read; gave you reps and will be using your paragraph elsewhere; you hit the topic right on the head; YOU ROCK!
Bro, if your seriously contimplating screwing around with a tranny then your gay or bisexual. No ifs, ands or buts about it. If your gay, thats fine, but at least admit it to yourself. A dude dressed up like a chick is still a dude.
i'm bi
a hot chick with a pretty face
nice firm tits not overly large
awesome legs and a nice ass without any jiggle
add to it a nice c**k
i may just ask her to marry me
well that is if when i ask my gf to marry me turns me down
i'm bi
a hot dude with a pretty face
nice firm pecs not overly large
awesome legs and a nice ass without any jiggle
add to it a nice c**k
i may just ask him to marry me
well that is if when i ask my gf to marry me turns me down