MrMuscle said:
How are you gonna get the nutrients your body needs to grow by eating three large meals? your body cant absorbe(sp?) more than a certain amount. so your big meals most likely turn into fat. you are 204 pounds..that means you should at LEAST get 204 grams of protein a day, and thats a minimum. so divide 204 by 3 and you have 70 grams. your body cant absorbe those amounts. and what about carbs? you wil lbecome a lard ass if you eat that way. and thats not what you want. and your stomach would grow utill you looked like Ronnie Coleman..without the muscles.. instead, stick to your 6 meals and gradually increase your calories untill you start to grow.
i eat 8 meals a day.and i would NEVER cut that down.
I gonna get flamed by this. I warn everyone.
BUT., 3 huge meals will be better absobed than 6-8 big meals.
Your body is a very adaptive mechanism. It WILL adapt to changing situation. Muscles adapt to heavier loads, your mind adapts to lifting 500 pounds, yadda yadda yadda.
So why cant it adapt to large servings?
What is definition of fast metabolism?
This is pretty basic explanation, no brains needed.
It is a condition when lots of calories are turned to simple energy and little goes to muscle/fat (relatively to the amount eaten).
Slow metabolism is EFFICIENT metabolism. Your calories are SLOWLY BROKEN DOWN, digested MORE EFFICIENTLY (less goes to energy and more to flab/muscle) hence why guys with slower metabolisms tend to be fatter/more muscular even by eating less.
Thus we can take out 2 thing.
1st) Slower metabolism = more efficiency (degesting and such) , hence why people withg slower metabolisms tend to put more fat for each calorie eaten. BECAUSE IT IS MORE EFFICINTLY digested! Less is wasted for energy (like 6-8 meals would do)
and more is actually used.
2nd) 3 meals = slower metabolism.
Plus you body doesnt digest all at once. I think meat takes like 5-7 hours to digest. I think that the body is capable of digesting 100+ g of protein
per serving as long as you give it time and sometime proper supplementation (ginseng root and other digestive aid).
About carbs. I eat tons of them and I I get is kick ass workouts.
anyways lets talk! reply please!