I’m not “too good” for the guys who ask me out or hit on me at the gym, nor am I bitchy. I just don’t date at my gym. Just like I don’t date at work. Going to the gym is one of the few things I do for myself and I don’t mess around with that.
In truth most “feminists” wouldn’t like me very much, but that’s another thread entirely.
I’m not “too good” for the guys who ask me out or hit on me at the gym, nor am I bitchy. I just don’t date at my gym. Just like I don’t date at work. Going to the gym is one of the few things I do for myself and I don’t mess around with that.
I say go for it... lifes too damn short to be playing any type of games. Get a conversation going.. start by maybe critiquing her workout or showing her something she is doing wrong cuz your a personal trainer. Just something to start it, after that it should be easy ! Women LOVE attention but dont get that confused with hitting on her cuz they hate that. Remember if she is hot like you say she is, your just guy # 20 that has hit on her today. So you have to take a different approach to make you different from the other joe smoes.
Just get to know her...ask her what she likes/dislikes . Then once you get that take her out on a date by doing suprising her with something she's never done before. Its simple !
Wrong. All the guys who have asked me out have been very very good looking, save the one who left a note on my car...ehhhhh. The closest I ever came to breaking this rule was for this guy that I was unbelievable physically attracted to (I mentioned him before once on here…) but it was less because he was hot and more because he wouldn't take no for an answer. He attempted to wear my resistence down for about a month and a half, asking me out every time he saw me - which was several times a week, and I still held up.
Of course when I found out he was moving (stil local) and switching gyms, I totally caved and we now casually date now and then, but while he was there....no dice.
I've tried this before, and its sorta worked actually. I find that when you are both on the elliptical at the same time, and not too tired (like if u just started working out) its a pretty good opportunity. Of course most of the time its very difficult to get the balls to approach them because they might get pissed off that u approached them.
But if she has headphones on, that really complicates things, cuz you don't know why she has those headphones on.
Question for yall:
The other day I was biking around the lake, and I saw an absolutely amazing girl jogging and wearing headphones. How do I approach her? I'd probably have to be running and come up along side her I'm sure, but when you are jogging outside are things any different than from the gym, or is it the same principle?
Also another question:
how many people have had their gym experience ruined because they dated someone there and they are now exes? Do people still pester someone even if the other is ignoring them?
he saw me - which was several times a week, and I still held up.
Of course when I found out he was moving (stil local) and switching gyms, I totally caved and we now casually date now and then, but while he was there....no dice.