gym are a place to excersize and lift weights.
I hate the douche balls that go around chasing the girls.
I have had a girl come up to me and tell me hey, This guy gives me the creeps he wont leave me alone , you mind if I just work out with you so he will stay away.
she actually looked to me for protection from this creep
Sure enough the fucker see's her then see's me but still comes over and tries to talk ,
She just starts listening to him and I listen to him . then after about 3 minutes i just said " hey fella we are working out if you want to talk then go to a startbucks "
He left .
I told her to get a ipod , she did and never has had a problem sense, I see her using it wisley, creepy dude wants to talk she takes out one earphone but leaves it playing and then say oh a few times uh huh and out back in the earphones and just keeps working out.
she is just down right a beautiful person in everyway physically menatally and guys want to get with it , and all she wants to do is work out I actually feel sorry for her