sofageorge said jogging, etc has only been around for a little while - since the 60s? and i'm assuming people then didn't know nearly as much about nutrition as we do now. so..whatd they do? i'm interested
If you look at pics of Arnold and the gang though, they were never really fat. They just had a good diet year round.
You don't have to know a lot about nutrition to know eating a lot will make you fat, besides franco had a ph.d. in nutrition and a lot of them had a lot of knowledge on the matter.
If you look at pics of Arnold and the gang though, they were never really fat. They just had a good diet year round.
You don't have to know a lot about nutrition to know eating a lot will make you fat, besides franco had a ph.d. in nutrition and a lot of them had a lot of knowledge on the matter.
In John McCallum's Keys to Progress (think 60s and 70s) he recomends a diet very similar to the Anabolic Diet, although i seem to think that he may have allowed fruit intake.