I think average is okay. I am very average ~6". I have had 3 women I know would marry me if not get engaged to me. One I was engaged to for 24 hours before I broke it off. She told me I had to ask her to marry her, which for some stupid reason I did but luckily was smart enough to back out of.
My wife did not ask me really, but we met about the time I was engaged for 24 hours. She saw me the day I broke off the engagement _ I knew it was best but was a bit depressed about it being over.. she asked me what was wrong and we talked a bit that day. Then a few weeks later she called me and told me she had someone I should marry but I had to guess who it was (I knew it was her but guessed everyone under the sun but her just to tease her). I told her I would be interested, but we both had some commitments I felt we should finish first - mine was school. We decided in a year to discuss it again.
During that year I dated other girls a bit. There was one that was perhaps a bit more serious than the others. I know that while kissing she felt my erection against her enough times to size me up to the inch. She wrote me a letter telling me she wanted to marry me. But I told her I was just keeping things casual in my dating until who was then going to be my wife and I were free enough to actually consider the possibilities.
At the end of that year I actually dated my wife for the first time, and on the fourth date asked her to marry me. We got married 3 months later and have been married well over a decade. We have been very happy although lately the mid-life crisis shit is urging me to have an affair (which I haven't yet). But my wife opened the door by initially calling me and telling me I should consider marrying her.
I know my life is very weird. But all these girls were catches. The first one (Miss 24 hours) was valedictorian in college and very good looking. The girl who asked me in a letter was a college cheerleader and was pretty with a tremendous body. My wife had been in a beauty pageant, scored almost a perfect score on her SAT's, was solicited by several ivy league schools, and is good looking. All of them were no doubt aware of my average woody and all approached me about getting married.