This is a funny topic. My wife and I are pretty regular at our gym except my wife goes in the early AM and I go in the late PM (working the schedule around the kids). Anyway, on weekends we go in together, although, we both do our own things. One day, one of the guys I see in the evening comes up and starts chating about all the hot girls on the weekends and points to my wife and says "i'd like a piece of that"! I said, "ya, she's hot, i'm going to ask her out". The guy is like, bullshit! So I so up to her, start talking then rubbing her ass then I get a little kiss and he is shitting his pants. Before I leave, she walks up to us and says to me, "lets get going, I don't want to waste the whole day here", I look at my friend and say "wish me luck"!
I latter told him that she was my wife but for a day he thought I was a god!