i had an ankle injury a couple months ago and it's still not fully healed but i've got to do some cardio before i die....i'm slowly gaining back the weight i worked my ass off to lose. my question is can you do hiit on a stationary bike? how would i go about that.
i had an ankle injury a couple months ago and it's still not fully healed but i've got to do some cardio before i die....i'm slowly gaining back the weight i worked my ass off to lose. my question is can you do hiit on a stationary bike? how would i go about that.
You would get more responses to this if you posted it on the training board rather then the nutrition one.
To answer your question - Yes you can do HIIT on the stationary bike. You do it exactly the same way you do HIIT any other way - by alternating periods of high intensity (sprint pedeling) with periods of lower intensity (slower pedeling)
Yeah, HIIT on a bike works fine.. .that's kinda the concept of cycling classes - alternating periods of high & moderate intensity - just up the resistance & RPM.