OK here's what I've set up for me. Keep in mind that this is what my "ideal" days look like (I haven't been perfect with them
I do well for 3 days and then I mess up and the weekends are horrible. Which I know is part of the problem, but I'm wonderinf if that is caused by somethig else.
Keep in mind that I have some food allergies and can't have dairy, soy, whey, oats, wheat. Eggs I can have twice a week, but not more than that.
1/3c rolled kamut
1 Tb rice protein powder
5 strawberries
249 P:22 C:27 F:6
3 oz chicken (cooked)
1 tsp oil
185 P:25 C:5 F:6
1/2c rolled kamut
1/4c goat's yogurt
1 Tb rice protein powder
232 P:22 C:32 F:4
4oz fish (white)
1 tsp oil
1/2c brown rice
275 P:26 C:27 F:5
3 oz chicken (cooked)
1/2c quinoa pasta
1 tsp oil
295 P:28 C:27 F:7
Total: 1236 P:122 C:119 F:28 Fiber:21
I've been doing weights and 30 min of cardio on elliptical 3 days a week, but I have a feeling I need to bump this up to 4 to 5 times a week.
This is what I did last week:
Tuesday- chest/back: chest presses, rows, machine incline presses, lat pull down (all 4 sets of 8-10) + 30 min elliptical
Thursday- legs: smith machine squats, streight lef deadlifts, leg presses (4 sets of 8-10) + 30 min elliptical
Friday- shoulders/biseps/triceps: shoulder presses with sidelateral raises, hammer culrs with overhead tricep extensions (3 sets of 10-15)
As you can see I'm all over the place.