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nimbus said:layinback how did you become so interested in the human pysche
i have an inborn talent ( psychopathy lol )
it is a function of nature and nurture. i share this ability with my
departed father and my sons. my 16 and 17 yr old boys are
currently employing these skills to "bag" women. i'm not proud
of this and i am trying to steer them in the right direction but
these guys are teenagers with an "edge" to get the pussy.
what can i do?
sometimes when you grow up in a chaotic environment, you learn
to "read" people. sometimes your very existence depends on this
lots of folks who possess these skill sets use them to get their needs
met. ( usually, at the expense of others ) common professions for these
types include, evangelist, politicians, actors and con artist. your more
proficient "psychics" have the ability to "cold read" folks.
i have read volumes on psychology.
i migrate towards classical psychoanalysis.
my therapist says i missed my calling.