Glad I could help. It makes it all worthwhile to get feedback like yours
instead of from pinheads like Star (check out the IUD thread). Where
is it that you live?
Was your pap moderate (high grade) or low grade or ASCUS?
No matter what the colpo (vinegar, biopsy) results, if your pap was
high grade (moderate dysplasia) you need either cryo or LEEP.
Paps are only read as high grade (HGSIL) or low grade (LGSIL)
as well as ASCUS, inflammation, and other irrelevant stuff. Biopsies
are read as mild, moderate, severe dysplasia; carcinoma-in-situ; or
invasive cancer. Your history is not suspicious, but it only takes one
encounter with one of the 3 aggressive viral types to keep you with this
problem for the rest of your life.
(By the way, cervical cancer does NOT have a strong familial inheritance
pattern so it wouldn't matter too much if everyone with your last name had
it; if you were a virgin your odds would be near nil.)
Good news, they've been working on a vaccine against HPV and it
is in the second stage trials, so you might be able to have sex again soon!

(won't help if you already have HPV, though)
Ask and I'll answer.
