Is it really that shocking that someone who likely has self loathing problems would become most vocal against the things they hate most about themselves? Both as a cover to their true nature, and a way to verbally self injure? Just in that why are people mean thread, nimbus said he thought he lashed out at people who reminded him of the things he disliked most about himself. There's no mystery here.
In addition, is it shocking that perhaps a man who is suppressing gay urges, having been raised in a home that tought that being gay is a sin, might be drawn to a profession where he would not be thought strange for not being married (priesthood) and is in fact not allowed (this isn't applying to the pedophilia scandal, but i'm sure there is a similar draw there).
Inner torment leads to publicly conflicting actions...sometimes to an extreme. A woman I knew who turned out to have been in an abusive relationship was, in public, annoyingly chipper and know it all about relationships and how great hers was. I understood, when I found out, that she was both trying to hide her shame and convince herself. her lies didn't cause the harm that the right winger secret gays do, but it all comes from the same place.
Not an excuse...just an explanation. Or mine, anyway.